Our Companies


Lipizzan companies started in 1992 with Annabelle Patton as initial charter share holder by purchasing one share. I raised the funds from family and friends, and found a banker with a sense of humor that approved a loan to buy 10 shares. Our assets have kept pace with our liabilities and to date we have sold net to our interest over 35 million dollars worth of oil and gas. Through the years, we have diversified the corporation into real estate and investment arms. Dedicated to integrity, commitment and excellence.

Lipizzan Companies[+]

Lipizzan Petroleum is the “founding father” of the Lipizzan Companies. Formed in 1992 for the pursuit of oil and gas exploration, it has since grown into what you see here today. Lippizan Petroleum is a non-operating interest holding entity.

Appaloosa Investments[+]

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Mulligans LLC[+]

Mulligans LLC was formed as a real estate investing company to build duplexes in the Wichita area. It’s assets were rolled into property in Phoenix AZ in the summer of 2014.

Andalusian Oil & Gas[+]

Pressure Makes Diamonds

We raised the funds from friends and family and in the immortal words from Abraham Lincoln “I am a success today because I had friends who believed in me, and I didn’t have the heart to let them down.”

AOG is continuing to grow through ongoing exploration of oil and gas with primary focus in the mid continent.

Tee Time LLC[+]

Tee Time LLC was formed between multiple parties to build an office complex on the 9th hole of Tallgrass CC which remains the main office for the Lipizzan Companies to date.

Thoroughbred Associates[+]

Thoroughbred Associates was formed shortly after the discovery of oil and gas by Lipizzan Petroleum to operate its interest. Thoroughbred is a non-interest operating entity that manages the day to day operations of the oil and gas wells.

Friesian Partners[+]

Friesian Partners is a newly formed entity to take interest in current and future exploration in the mid continent conventional oil plays.

Mustang Land & Cattle[+]

Mustang Land and Cattle was formed for the purchase of a ranch in Comanche County, Kansas. Originally used as a means of running cattle, it has become more of a hunting lodge over the years.

Wild Horse Real Estate[+]

Wild Horse Real Estate was formed as the main real estate entity as a means of diversifying out of oil and gas. Wild Horse currently has twenty rental properties in the greater Wichita area.

Crazy Horse Real Estate[+]

Crazy Horse Real Estate was recently formed as the “new” real estate holding entity. It currently has a handful of rental properties as well as new construction duplexes and town homes in east Wichita and Andover and is growing rapidly.

Happy Cow Company[+]

The Happy Cow Company was formed to sell beef produced from Mustand Land and Cattle as well as Robo Rub steak seasoning. Although no longer in the business of selling beef, Robo Rub has developed a strong following in the Wichita area and is testing markets in Colorado. For information on trying a sample contact Bobby Patton at Bobby@lipizzancompanies.com

Clydesdale Charitable Trust[+]

Clydesdale Charitable Trust was formed as a way to give back to the community. Rob was taught at an early age by his mother and father to always give 10% of his earnings to the church and the less fortunate. This began with his weekly allowance as a child and has happily become a significant amount in donations that make a difference in our community. Kids are our primary heart strings, you give kids a break and a chance and care, you can put them on the right track so that they can grow up to be healthy, happy adults. Especially dear to Rob’s heart, is the Wichita Children’s home, Make a Wish Foundation, Big Brothers and Big Sisters and Ronald McDonald house.

Pegasus LLC[+]

Pegasus LLC was formed as a holding entity for a Cessna 206 to fulfill a dream of learning how to fly. Since it’s inception the 206 has been all over the country and has most recently been used as a training craft for Executive Airshare.